Home ' Forums ' Articles ' Investing in Brazil while living abroad: permanent departure and double tax residence in the taxation of investments

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    • #8864
      Vinicius Tersi

      Mindful of the IR Tax Reform being proposed, it makes sense to concentrate, in a single text, the main concerns that we have been addressing for our clients.
      [See the full article at Investing in Brazil while living abroad: permanent departure and double tax residence in the taxation of investments]

    • #10229

      Good morning, Vinicius,

      Thank you very much for your work in writing articles on this increasingly relevant subject. I'd like to ask you a question. I've been living in Germany since 2014 and in 2017 I started investing in Brazil. The money initially came from real estate that I sold in my own country, inheritances, and the like. Over time, I started sending money from Germany to Brazil and increasing my investments even more. I understand the procedures for the case of two tax residences, but I left permanently in 2014 and so far I don't have a residence in Brazil.

      What are the real risks and penalties in my situation?

      I would like to know how to make an appointment with you to decide on the best strategy for regularization, including the best time.

      Cheers and have a good 2024.

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

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