Hi, Dr. Vinícius!
I'm Brazilian and I've been living in the Netherlands for four years. In Brazil I declared income tax because of my salary and my son's alimony.
I arrived in the Netherlands in June 2018. In 2019, I filed my last income tax return for the base year 2018, because I went on vacation there. I have no income in Brazil, no property, assets, etc. Nothing at all!
I didn't file the Notice of Permanent Departure from Brazil because I only found out today that I had to do so.
I'm returning to live in Brazil permanently in August 2022].
I have a job in Holland and I'm quitting to come back to our country.
What should I do?
I want to pay the fines if I have to, but I don't want to come across as a tax evader or someone who doesn't comply with the law.
What should I do?
I'm very worried because I've always been up to date with my obligations as a citizen.
Thank you in advance.
Vinicius Tersi is a lawyer, specializing in International Tax Law.