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  • Samuel Kaplan

    Hello, Mr. Vinicius!
    First of all, congratulations on your blog! I now realize how important it is!
    I make the declaration for my sister who has been living abroad for a few years.
    I never made the definitive declaration that he was leaving the country.
    And now I'm forced to provide her address abroad so as not to contradict the information provided by the INSS (she receives retirement income) in field "7 - Additional information" that she is a FOREIGN RESIDENT.
    So, as I'm not very good at declaring income to the IRS, I just changed the address to the one where she lives abroad and indicated my wife's CPF as her attorney-in-fact (she really is her attorney-in-fact).
    After sending the declaration, I noticed that there is a "communication to the source of payment" about this withdrawal.
    Well, the INSS already knows, but the State of Rio de Janeiro (its other source of payment) does not.
    However, I was unable to generate this communication. It gives an impossibility message.
    On the other hand, she also has income from renting out real estate whose income tax is charged at source by the administrator.
    How can these corrections be made?
    Is it still possible to make a definitive exit declaration?
    Thank you in advance for your attention!

    Samuel Kaplan

    Correction: I confused the discount on the property management fee with tax at source. Forgive me.

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

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