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  • Mario Sergio Costa

    Good evening!
    First of all, I would like to praise the topic, which is very relevant to many Brazilians who have left the country, and also the enlightening and easy-to-understand way in which it was presented.
    I have a question regarding the need to file an IRPF return, having already filed the Declaration of Permanent Departure from the Country and having received, afterwards, rental income for a total amount below R$ 28,559.70, the minimum amount received in taxable income to need to file the 2022 Income Tax return. Should I therefore file a DIRF even though I theoretically don't have to pay tax?
    Thank you very much and congratulations once again on the article.

Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)
Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!