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  • Maria

    Very good article! CVM Resolution 64/2022 came out a while ago. Has this made investing easier for non-residents?
    In my case, I live abroad, I left permanently 5 years ago, but I still have investments in banks, without any problem (for now). I intend to regularize it and it seems to me that this Resolution will make it easier.

    Thank you!


    Vinicius Tersi,
    Thank you very much, this is a very valuable article.
    I have lived in the United States for 34 years, and I am an American citizen. I have no income or assets in Brazil. I haven't filed an exit declaration. I want to buy a property in Brazil and return in the near future.
    How does the tax work in my case? How much do I have to pay?
    Thank you very much.


    Vinicius Tersi! Congratulations on this wonderful work that has clarified many doubts.
    This site is the best of all I've visited looking for information on having dual citizenship.
    Thank you very much.


    Hi, I've been living abroad since 2019. I never filed a tax return in Brazil because I never had enough income. I paid all my taxes in the US, but I didn't file a tax return in Brazil because I didn't think I needed to. I want to regularize the situation with the retroactive declaration. How do I do that?


    Great content, Dr. Vitor! Congratulations, it was very helpful. But I still have a question: in the case of a person who is moving to Indonesia (from what I have researched, there is no agreement to avoid double taxation) to stay for a short period of time for work (up to 3 years) and send all the salary received there to a Brazilian account, will he be taxed by the tax there and the total of the IRPF in Brazil? Is there a reciprocity agreement? Or even: can he deduct the tax rate of what he paid there VS the Brazilian rate on his own and only clarify it in the event of an inspection by the RFB?
    Thank you in advance!


    I did the DSDP in 2012 for my son who is living in Japan. He is the beneficiary of my life insurance policy. I saw that residents do not pay income tax or ITCMD to receive life insurance. However, Non-Resident beneficiaries must pay taxes when they receive it, but the instructions are not clear. I would like your help to find out which taxes must be paid when sending the amount of the insurance payment abroad and/or using the account in Reais of the Non-Resident in the Country.
    1) What rate of income tax should be paid?
    2) When sending this money abroad, what tax must be paid?
    3) He doesn't have a CDE account, but he does have an ordinary account with no movement and with the NEW CAMBIAL LAW, what would change in terms of taxes?
    Thank you very much for your feedback.


    Hello Dr. Vinicius Tersi
    I read your website and found it very interesting, even useful for Brazilians living abroad. Your information is very specific and up-to-date.
    I'll make a note of your name and contact details so I can contact you when I need you.
    Thank you very much.
    Maria Maia

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

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It will be a pleasure to meet you!