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  • Luiz

    Hello Dr. Vinicius, I really enjoyed your work.
    I've been living abroad since 2007, when I declared that I had left the country permanently.
    In 2020 I applied for old-age retirement under the Brazil/Portugal agreement, the pension was granted and I started receiving it here in Portugal (with the 25% discount, of course!!!) at the end of 2021.
    I've been told that because I've started receiving the pension, I'm now obliged to file an IRPF.
    Is that right? Or am I still exempt from filing the IRPF? If I need help, can I contact you?

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!