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  • in reply to: I live abroad and receive rent in Brazil: what do I do? #7772

    Hello Vinicius, where should the amounts paid as payment of DARF 9478 for rents received by a non-resident in Brazil be included in the attorney's IRPF return? Should these rents that were received and passed on also be included in the return on some tab?

    Thank you in advance!


    Hello, Dr. Vinicius,

    Your texts are very good, of exemplary quality, and have helped to clarify many doubts.
    However, I still haven't made up my mind and I'd like your help.
    I moved with my family to Germany in August 2022 and my husband is working here. We have a property and investments in Brazil (investments in funds, treasury bills...). We will be working in Brazil until July 2022. We intend to stay for less than 5 years.
    My question is: if we have dual tax residency, will we have to pay tax on my husband's salary in Brazil or will we be able to write off the taxes we have already paid here (30%)? If we can write it off, where should we declare it? In your opinion, would it be better to leave permanently or keep the double tax residence (in Germany)?
    Thank you in advance.



    Thank you for the excellent content and clear information.

    I've been living in the USA for over 20 years (where I work, earn income and own property) and because I don't know the law, I haven't filed a DSDP and I still file annual tax returns (nothing to pay as I only have a savings account in Brazil).

    I recently discovered the existence of these requirements and would like to regularize my situation. What is the best way to proceed?

    Thank you very much.

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!