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  • Ivone Trevisan

    I really liked your text and your answers. I have a question, I'm going to the United States, I'm going to get married and I'll probably get a green card, which means I'll be resident in that country and I'll also have a tax address and I'll have to declare my income. I don't intend to work there. I intend to continue to have a tax address here in Brazil as well, as I have assets here and receive pensions from the INSS and private pensions. Will I have to pay tax there (EU) on my income from my pensions here? Is there also a risk of losing my pensions because I live in another country?

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

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It will be a pleasure to meet you!