Good morning! Congratulations on the text.
First, I'd like to add an observation to your text: the requirement for a specific account for those who leave permanently is also "dumb", because requiring a 4373 investor account implies less federal tax revenue, since non-residents generally pay less tax than residents. It's also "dumb" because it encourages those who have left to take their financial assets abroad, reducing national savings.
Now a question, if possible. My daughter has been a non-resident for 3 years, she didn't file her Exit Form (she missed the deadline) but she filed her Exit Form on time and has a bank account, including a financial investment, so far without any problems. I would like to know what kind of problem/punishment/fine she could face as a result of this irregularity. Thank you in advance.
Vinicius Tersi is a lawyer, specializing in International Tax Law.