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  • Crhistofi Rocha

    Good evening Vinícius. This was certainly the best content I've found on the internet on the subject. Congratulations on your work. I will be transferred to the North American branch of my company in Jan/2023. I am already organizing myself to regenerate investments, close bank accounts, etc. My only problem is a real estate loan I have outstanding with CEF, which would require me to keep a bank account open in Brazil to send funds US->BRA until it is completely paid off. What do you recommend doing in this case? I believe that with the funds from my work in the USA I would be able to pay off the loan within the year 2023. Could not filing in January and waiting for the mortgage to be paid off be an option? Thank you very much and Happy New Year!

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

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It will be a pleasure to meet you!