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    Hello, Vinicius!

    I really enjoyed your article, but I was very worried...
    I married an American in December 2016, and we moved to Dubai in March 2017.
    Even though I live in Dubai, I filed my income tax returns in 2017, 2018 and 2019. I didn't work in Dubai, I just accompanied my husband, so I had no income to declare, but I put my mother's address and my maiden name on the declaration, because I understood two facts as follows: 1) my father died in 2014, and my two sisters and I each inherited 1/6 of the house where my mother lives to this day (she owns 3/6 of the property). What I understood was that this 1/6 of the house, legally, in a way, would be property to declare, even though I don't live there; 2) my marriage took place in the United States and was never ratified in Brazil. I figured that, on the one hand, I had the obligation to declare my 1/6th of the house, and that I couldn't put my married name on it, since I didn't have my marriage certificate ratified in Brazil. At the time we went to Dubai, I already knew that his job would be temporary, and I had no idea if the marriage would work out. So I kept my bank account in Brazil, and never did the DSDP, because I wasn't sure if my departure would be permanent. In July 2019, we moved to the United States. I only started the green card process in 2020, and received my permanent resident document in May 2021. My questions: is it worth looking for ways to submit the DSDP now? Have I created a legal problem by submitting these tax returns with a Brazilian address, even though I've been living abroad since 2017? I've never "evaded" tax, as I haven't worked since I left Brazil. What should I do to correct this situation, if anything?

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!