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  • Christine

    Dear Vinicius, your blog is sensational. I've been researching the subject on the internet for weeks, and at each site I end up with more questions than answers. You are very clear, thorough and provide complete and objective information. Congratulations on your excellence!
    Vinicius, I'm moving to Germany this year. I have no income, I haven't retired yet and I don't use the income from a PGBL. So my IRPF every year is zero to pay, it's just the work of declaring it.
    I have 2 young children who are still financially dependent and an elderly mother who remains in Brazil. So I'm going to keep real estate, accounts and investments in Brazil, there's no way.
    Honestly, I'm wondering why I should give up? I can't keep filing my tax return every year (it's going to be zero to pay anyway...) and not worry about all these exceptions. I come to Brazil at least twice a year to see my family.
    I'm going to study in Germany and I'll still have no income. When I file my tax return in Germany, I'll probably be taxed twice for rental income and investments, but I think it's an irrelevant amount compared to the limitations and bureaucracy imposed on non-residents here. Does that make sense?

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!