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  • Gio

    Good morning Vinicius, Great article! I've been looking for something clearer on the subject for a long time and only found vague articles.
    In my case, I've been living abroad for almost 20 years, and I don't remember making any exit declarations at the time. In 2014, I lost my Brazilian nationality and acquired a European one. I'm married to a diplomat and I also have a diplomatic passport, changing countries every 4 years.
    During the pandemic, I bought a property in Brazil as a foreigner, and I used a BB account to carry out the transaction in question, sending euros through Wise and everything within what the Central Bank asked for at the time.
    My CPF has never been canceled and I have never declared IR in Brazil. My BB account is as if I still lived there, but the manager herself knows that I no longer reside there. I'm investing in Treasury Direct, but I'm always in doubt: Do I leave the situation as it is or open a non-resident account? I've never had any problems and I've already received life insurance money from both my father and my mother. My account is current and I have a credit card in Brazil, but I only use it when I'm there.
    The person who wants to invest in Brazil within the four lines, but the lack of information is enormous. When you lose your nationality, the lack of information doubles.
    Thank you in advance for any reply.

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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

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