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  • Carolina

    Hi Vinicius,

    Congratulations on the blog!

    I have a question. I've been living in England for four years and I've never filed a DSDP, and I've never filed a tax return in Brazil because I don't earn enough. Now I'm in the process of buying an apartment in Brazil, but I want to file the DSDP to avoid any complications in the future.

    From what I've read, I'll have to pay 7.5% (my income tax is 20%) + a fine for not filing the DSDP earlier.

    My question is: How do I declare this? The IR website asks for the company's cnjp. However, companies in the UK don't have a CNPJ. Any ideas?

    And is it possible to pay this debt in installments?

    Thank you.


    Good afternoon Vinicius,
    I earned RSU's from my company and I want to declare the profit (which was under 35k) in the exempt and non-taxable income section under option 26.
    The problem is that because I'm an American company, I don't have a CNPJ. Which CNPJ should I use?
    I've tried 00000000000000 but the program won't accept it.
    Another question is whether the name of the company should be the brokerage house where the shares were held and through which I received the RSU, or whether it should be the name of the company on the American stock exchange.

    Thank you


    Good evening, I'm looking for an online tax consultation, how much would it cost?


    Congratulations on the blog and for all your hard work in providing such comprehensive information.
    I've been out of the country for more than 10 years and I've never made a declaration because I didn't know it was necessary.
    When I heard about this last year, I asked several lawyers and accountants what I should do. I should point out that I have always been exempt in Brazil, since before I left more than 10 years ago.
    I was advised to declare when I left, which was last year. The lawyer didn't recommend retroactively.
    I still don't have any earnings in Brazil, but I've considered moving back there because my mother is ill. If I go back, I should file my tax return at the end of the year, correct? If so:
    - should i declare all assets acquired abroad?
    - these assets were acquired more than 10 years ago outside the country. I declared my departure last year. What considerations should I take into account? Will I be charged for what I did outside the country?

    Thank you very much in advance for your attention.


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Hi, I'm Vinicius Tersi, a specialist in international tax law.

I hope that the content of our website is useful and appropriate to your reality.

Didn't find an answer to your question on the site?

Send it to me via WhatsApp so that my team can better understand your case.

It will be a pleasure to meet you!